
I am involved in the following professional associations

THSG – Transport and Health Science Group

I am in the Board of Trustees, UK Executive Committee, and UK Council of THSG. I also run the THSG website and the THSG blog.

THSG is an an international association of researchers and professionals working in transport and/or health and interested in the connections between both. THSG advocates for promoting a healthy transport system, and encourages transport and other practitioners integrate health in their plans and activities.

THSG issues policy guidance and recommendations. For example, Health on the Move 2 is a resource for transport and public health professionals and decision-makers. We are currently working in an up-to-date version of this resource 

IPATH – International Professional Association of Transportation and Health

I am in the board of directors of IPATH. This is an international association of researchers and practitioners working at the intersection of transport and health, in a variety of sectors and disciplines. IPATH advocates for integrating of health in urban and transport planning agendas.

We are currently organising the IPATH Annual Meeting 2023, a programme of three 1-day online conferences, in June, September, and December. See the call for abstracts – and do submit an abstract!

We are also working on the ​Transport and Health Performance Metric Guidebook, a guidebook for professionals in need of quantitative and qualitative tools to measure the health impacts of transport infrastructure projects at the community level.

AET – Association for European Transport

AET is an association of practitioners and researchers in the field of transport, mostly in Europe. AET organizes the European Transport Conference every year, since 1996.

I am a member of the Planning for Sustainable Land Use and Transport committee of AET. The main role of this committe is to select, every year, the papers to be presented in the European Transport Conference on that topic, from hundreds of submissions.

Other associations I am a member of

  • NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research). An association of researchers in the fields of transport, communication, and mobility, mostly from Europe. I have been a member of this organization since 2012. I participate regularly in the events organized by Cluster 7 (Social and Health Issues) and Cluster 1 (Transport Infrastructure Impacts and Evaluation)
  • IFP (International Federation of Pedestrians). This is a confederation of national pedestrian user associations, and people interested in the rights and needs of pedestrians. I do not participate actively in IFP’s activities. But I have worked with IFP for 3.5 years in MORE, a EU-funded project. My streetspace option generation tools are also lodged in the IFP website. And IFP’s secretary-general Mario Alves is a walking encyclopedia of everything about pedestrians and cyclists. If you speak Portuguese see this.
  • THINK (Transport and Health Integrated Research Network). A network of practitioners, policy makers, third-sector organisations and academics working on the interactions between transport and health.
  • EURA (European Urban Research Association)
  • INTALInc (International Network for Transport and Accessibility in Low Income Communities)
  • CODATU (Cooperation for Urban Mobility in the Developing World)
  • Africa Network For Walking and Cycling