1. Presentation in conferences, with full paper in proceedings (reporting material not appearing in subsequent journal articles)
Anciaes, P., Gkartzonikas, C., Kamargianni, M., Chaniotakis, E. (2025) A mixed-methods approach using virtual reality to study user reactions to self-driving vehicles. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 104th Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board, Washington DC., 5-9 January 2025.
Anciaes, P., Monsuur, F. Chaniotakis, E., Kamargianni, M. (2024) Using virtual reality and physiological data capture to understand travel behaviour in an autonomous vehicle future. 17th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Vienna, 14-18 July 2024.
Chen, J., Anciaes, P., Chaniotakis, E. (2024) Factors explaining public acceptance of low traffic neighbourhoods in the UK. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 103rd Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board, Washington DC., 7-11 January 2024. Presented by P Anciaes.
Anciaes, P., Pinheiro, J., Somsen, S., Henriques, I. (2022) Street space allocation – new tools and methods, with a Lisbon application. Proceedings of City Street 5 – The Time of Streets: Incisions, Overlaps and Rhythms. Lisbon, 12-14 October 2022.
Lu, Z., Zhang, J., Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2022) Factors explaining perceptions of street quality and propensity to use urban streets. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Transport Practitioners’ Meeting, London, 29-30 June 2022.
Chan, M., Jones, P., Anciaes, P. (2020) Managing kerb conflicts: Relationships between kerbside activities and frontage land uses. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Transport Practitioners’ Meeting. Transport Practitioners’ Society, Online, 2-3 September 2020.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Mindell, J. S. (2017) Quantifying the barrier effect of main roads on pedestrian preferences and behaviour. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board, Washington DC., 8-12 January 2017.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2015) The influence of motorised traffic on pedestrian flows – new insights using bus stop data. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference 2015, Frankfurt, 28-30 September 2015. Association for European Transport Papers Repository.
Anciaes, P. (2014) Social justice and the gap between potential and realized accessibility. Proceedings of the final conference of EU COST Action on Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice. EU COST Action on Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice, Porto, 23-24 October 2014.
Anciaes, P., Nascimento, J. M., Pinto, I. S. M. (2014) Spatial mismatch and livelihoods in a fast-growing lower middle-income city: Praia, Cape Verde. Proceedings of the RGS-IBG (Royal Geographic Society-Institute of British Geographers) 2014 Conference. RGS-IBG, London, 27-29 August 2014.
Anciaes, P., Atkinson, G. (2014) Exploring spatial non-stationarity in the social determinants of time to work. Proceedings of the World Society for Transport and Land Use Research Conference 2014. World Society for Transport and Land Use Research, Delft, The Netherlands, 24-27 June 2014.
Anciaes, P. (2014) Using locally weighted regressions to model social inequalities in exposure to urban road traffic noise. Proceedings of the City Futures 2014 Conference. Université Paris-Est, Paris, 18-20 June 2014.
Anciaes, P., Atkinson, G. (2012) Multiple transport disadvantages: A cluster analysis of the socio-spatial distribution of levels of accessibility and pedestrian mobility in a metropolitan area. Proceedings of the European Urban Research Association Conference (EURA2012): Urban Europe – Challenges to Meet the Urban Future. EURA, Vienna, 20-22 September 2012.
Anciaes, P., Bação, F. (2004) Demografia e acessibilidades – Exploração das relações entre declínio populacional e transportes no interior português [Demography and accessibility – An exploration of the relationships between population decline and transport accessibility in the Portuguese countryside]. Actas do V Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa- Territórios e Protagonistas. Guimarães, Portugal, 14-14 October 2004. In Portuguese.
2. Presentation in conferences, with full paper in proceedings (early versions of journal papers)
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2021) Redesign of urban roadspace in Europe considering all road uses. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference 2021, Online, 13-15 September 2021. Association for European Transport Papers Repository.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2021) Generating options for roadspace allocation in busy urban roads. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Transport Practitioners Meeting. Transport Practitioners’ Society, Online, 7-8 July 2021.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2017) A tool to value reductions in community severance caused by roads. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Transport Practitioners’ Meeting. Transport Practitioners’ Society, Nottingham, 28-29 June 2017.
Mindell, J. S., Anciaes, P., Dhanani, A., Stockton, J., Jones, P., Haklay, M., Scholes, S., Groce, N., Vaughan, L. (2017) Developing a suite of tools to measure community severance. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 8-12 January 2017.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Orr, S., Sheldon, R., Lawrence, A., Metcalfe, P. J. (2016) A stated preference model to value reductions in community severance. Proceedings of the World Conference on Transport Research 2016. World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, 10-15 July 2016.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2016) The effectiveness of changes in street layout and design for reducing barriers to walking. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 10-14 January 2016
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2016) Estimating preferences for pedestrian crossing facilities. Proceedings of the Universities’ Transport Research Group 2016 Conference. Universities’ Transport Research Group (UTSG), Bristol, 6-8 January 2016.
Anciaes, P., Nascimento, J. M., Silva, S. (2015) Measuring pedestrian accessibility and the quality of walking in an African city: Praia, Cape Verde. Proceedings of CODATU XVI (Cooperation for Urban Mobility in the Developing World), Istanbul, 2-5 February 2015.
Anciaes, P. (2014) Traffic restriction measures in the Lisbon City Centre: Opportunity lost or mistake avoided? Proceedings of the European Transport Conference 2014, Frankfurt, 29 September-1 October 2014.Association for European Transport Papers Repository.
Anciaes, P. (2012) Evaluating socio-political claims for accessibility in a Portuguese city. Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of Spatial Econometrics., Coimbra, Portugal., 26-27 October 2012.
Anciaes, P. (2005) A economia política do TGV em Portugal – Uma análise geográfica [The political economy of the high-speed rail in Portugal – A spatial approach]. Anais do PLURIS 2005 – Actas do I Congresso Luso Brasileiro para o Plajenamento Urbano Regional Integrado Sustentável. University of São Paulo, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, 28-30 September 2005. In Portuguese.
3. Conference presentations without full paper
Monsuur, F., Kamargianni, M., Zhang, S., Posner, R., Chaniotakis, E. (2024) Exploring emotional response during autonomous vehicle rides using EEG technology. Transportation Research Board 103rd Annual Meeting, Washington DC., 7-11 January 2024. Presented by P Anciaes on behalf of the authors.
Chaniotakis, E., Johnson, D T, Kamargianni, M. (2024) Lifecycle CO2 emissions estimation for electric scooters: how is the sector progressing? Transportation Research Board 103rd Annual Meeting, Washington DC., 7-11 January 2024. Presented by P Anciaes on behalf of the authors.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2023) Planning and governance of walking on streets with competing uses. Walk 21 (23rd International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities), Kigali, Rwanda, 16-19 October 2023.
Anciaes, P., Kamargianni, M. (2023) Virtual reality and physiological measures for autonomous vehicle user data collection. European Transport Conference 2023, Milan, 6-8 September 2023.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2022) Motorised traffic reduces number of local trips and active travel share. 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Santiago, Chile, 11-15 December 2022.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Mindell, J S., Scholes, S. (2022) Motorised traffic as a barrier to walking: valuing the economic, social, health, and wellbeing impacts. 16th Conference of NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research), Toronto, 20-22 July 2022.
Anciaes, P. (2022) Visual aspects of transport: the last frontier for transport and health research? 7th International Conference on Transport and Health, Cardiff, 21-22 June 2022.
Anciaes, P., Nascimento J M. (2022) Barriers to pedestrians in a growing African city: how to quantify them using minimal data. 7th International Conference on Transport and Health, Cardiff, 21-22 June 2022.
Anciaes, P. (2022) Transport equity: why we need a better understanding of LGBTQ+ travel needs. UCL LGBTQ+ STEM Conference 2022, London, 9 June 2022.
Anciaes, P. (2022) Challenges and opportunities facing city streets. Better Streets for Better Cities conference, Brussels, 17 February 2022.
Anciaes, P. (2022). Street space allocation: option generation and appraisal. Better Streets for Better Cities conference, Brussels, 17 February 2022.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2021) Pedestrian priority in street design – how can it improve sustainable mobility? XXV International Conference Living and Walking in Cities. Online, 9-10 September 2021.
Anciaes, P., Di Guardo, G., Jones, P. (2021) Minor roads can also be difficult to cross. Can we rely on driver courtesy? 6th International Conference on Transport and Health, Online, 14-30 June 2021.
Anciaes, P. (2021) Constraints to travel outside the local area: are they related to poorer health and wellbeing? 6th International Conference on Transport and Health, Online, 14-30 June 2021.
Anciaes, P. (2021) Cost-benefit analysis of road projects – monetizing the negative effects on pedestrians. Active Living Research Conference 2021, Online 6-9 April 2021.
Anciaes, P. (2021) Pedestrians in two middle-income island countries – what happens when traffic grows? Active Living Research Conference 2021, Online., Online 6-9 April 2021.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2019) A new approach for the appraisal of roadspace allocation in major urban roads in Europe. 15th conference of NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research), Helsinki, 5-7 June 2019.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Mindell, J., Scholes, S. (2019) Busy roads reduce walking and affect individuals and communities: what is the value of those impacts in Great Britain? 5th International Conference on Transport and Health, Melbourne, 4-8 November 2019.
Ortegon, A., Anciaes, P. (2019) Road network classification and street performance assessment in Havana. STEPS Havana – Streets for People, Sustainability and Health in Havana Final Conference, London, 16 July 2019.
Anciaes, P. (2018) Developing tools for street planning and design. MORE Launch Event: Allocating space/capacity on busy urban roads and streets, London, 27 November 2018.
Anciaes, P., Scholes, S., Stockton, J., Ortegon, A. (2017) Living close to busy roads reduces wellbeing. International Conference on Urban Health 2017, Coimbra, Portugal, 26-29 September 2017.
Anciaes, P. (2017) Community severance valuation tool. Street Mobility project final conference, London, 8 March 2017.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2017) Irregular pedestrian crossing behaviour on a busy road in London: where, who, when, and how. Universities’ Transport Study Group (UTSG) 49th Annual Conference, Dublin, 4-6 January 2017.
Anciaes, P. (2016) Hitch-hiking: how to approach this money-free, app-less, mode of transport? 1st Radical Transport Conference, London, 20 June 2016.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Dhanani, A., Boniface, S., Scholes, S., Mindell, J. (2015) Defining and measuring the impact of community severance on local accessibility. 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2015), Lisbon, 28-31 July 2015.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Boniface, S., Dhanani, A., Scholes, S., Mindell, J. (2015) Developing tools to identify and overcome barriers to walking among older people. 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2015), Lisbon, 28-31 July 2015.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Dhanani, A., Vaughan, L., Boniface, S., Mindell, J. (2015) How do pedestrians react to busy roads? Findings from video surveys. 1st International Conference on Transport and Health, London, 6-8 July 2015.
Anciaes, P. (2013) Examining the influence of party-political factors on the design of a new road. 6th AGILE (Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe) Conference on Geographic Information Science, Leuven, Belgium, 14-17 May 2013.
Anciaes, P. (2012) Using GIS to derive spatial indicators of the impacts of motorized transport on pedestrian exposure to noise. 11th Urban Environment Symposium: Urban Futures for a Sustainable World, Karlsruhe, Germany, 16-19 September 2012.
Anciaes, P. (2002) An empirical assessment of transport-related environmental inequalities in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Tohoku University Graduate School of Economics Annual Conference, Sendai, Japan, 31 October 2002.
4. Conference posters
Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Stockton, J., Mindell, J. (2017) Assessment of solutions to reduce the impact of traffic barriers on pedestrian accessibility. Active Living Research 2017 Annual Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, 26 February-1 March 2017.
Anciaes, P. (2017) The transport infrastructure as a barrier to walking. INTREPID: Training School on Inter and Transdisciplinary Urban Research, Barcelona, 13-16 February 2017.
Stockton, J. C., Scholes, S., Anciaes, P., Ortegon, A. (2017) Community severance: do busier roads lead to lower mental wellbeing? Populations and Lifelong Health Domain Symposium, London, 17 January 2017.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Stockton, J., Mindell, J. S. (2016) The wider costs of large roads on health and wellbeing. 2nd International Conference on Transport and Health, San Jose, California, 13-15 June 2016.
Anciaes, P. (2014) Walking in the automobile city – Two proposals for the measurement of health risks and opportunities. 11th International Conference on Urban Health, Manchester, UK, 4-7 March 2014.
5. Invited talks in conferences, seminars, and workshops
Anciaes, P. (2024) Net-zero policies for land transport: do they improve human health? [Invited Presentation]. AAPS Centre for Doctoral Training Annual Conference, Bath, 11 July 2024. Invited by AAPS (Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Automotive Systems), University of Bath.
Anciaes, P. (2023) Roads: users, design, classification, and space reallocation [Invited Lecture]. Chiang Mai, Thailand, 24 July 2023. Invited by Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Anciaes, P. (2023) Roads as links and places – Experiences from Europe [Invited Presentation]. Bangkok, Thailand, 21 July 2023. Invited by Department of Rural Roads, Thailand. Event broadcast to all offices of the Department of Rural Roads across Thailand.
Anciaes, P. (2023) Interagency co-operation and stakeholder engagement for sustainable roads [Invited Presentation]. Conference on Future-Proofing Road Infrastructure: Repositioning Roles of Road Agencies for a Safer and Sustainable Road Network Management. Bangkok, Thailand, 19 July 2023. Invited by The Engineering Institute of Thailand Under H.M. The King’s Patronage and Department of Rural Roads, Thailand.
Anciaes, P. (2023) Impact assessment of community severance [Invited presentation]. Workshop on Health Impact Assessment of Urban and Transport Planning in European Cities. Cambridge, 5-7 July 2023.
Anciaes, P. (2022) Eight years of research on transport-related community severance: what we now know and what can we do with it [Invited presentation]. 2022 Meeting of the Transport and Health Science Group (THSG), Online, 13 December 2022. Invited by THSG.
Anciaes, P. (2022) Barrier effects on community interactions [Invited presentation]. Symposium on Estimating Highway Externalities. Online, 1-2 November 2022. Invited by US Federal Highway Administration Office of Policy.
Anciaes, P. (2022) Roads, railways, and population decline in Portugal [Invited presentation]. Depopulation Conference, Valencia, Spain., 31 May-1 June 2022. Invited by IIDL (Inter-University Institute for Local Development) and Avant (Valencian Regional Government Anti-Depopulation Agency) and Universitat Jaume I. Castellón
Anciaes, P. (2022) Measuring accessibility benefits of reducing barriers to pedestrians [Invited presentation] Landor Modelling World Seminar Series – Ways to Measure Access, Online., 11 May 2022. Invited by Landor.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2021) Transport and community severance [Invited Lecture]. University of Westminster, London, 7 December 2021. Invited by University of Westminster
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2020). Transport and community severance [Invited Lecture]. University of Westminster, Online, 20 October 2020. Invited by University of Westminster
Anciaes, P. (2020) Community severance appraisal tool [Invited presentation]. 2020 Meeting of the Transport and Health Study Group (THSG), Online, 20 May 2020. Invited by THSG
Anciaes, P. (2020) Tool to value reductions in community severance caused by roads [Invited presentation]. Active Travel Analysis – working group (UK Department for Transport, Transport for London, Transport for Greater Manchester), Online, 17 April 2020. Invited by Transport for Greater Manchester.
Anciaes, P. (2019) Community Severance – Econometric research and conversion into an appraisal tool [Invited presentation]. Appraisal of Walking and Cycling Schemes – working group (UK Department for Transport, Transport for London, Transport for Greater Manchester). London, 26 June 2019. Invited by Transport for Greater Manchester.
Anciaes, P., Scholes, S. (2019) Busy roads reduce walking and affect health: what is the value of those effects in Great Britain? [Invited presentation] UCL Populations and Lifelong Health Domain Symposium 2019, London, 26 March 2019. Invited by UCL Populations and Lifelong Domain.
Anciaes, P. (2018) Street Mobility: tools to understand the barrier effect of roads on pedestrians [Invited presentation]. Pollard Thomas Edwards Architects weekly seminar., London, 30 August 2018. Invited by PTE Architects.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2018) The valuation of community severance caused by busy roads [Invited presentation]. Transport Economists Group Meeting, London, 27 June 2018. Invited by Transport Economists Group.
Anciaes, P. (2018) Tools and data for understanding barriers: economic valuation [Invited presentation]. Future of London Annual Conference, London, 22 June 2018. Invited by Future of London.
Anciaes, P. (2018) Restoring street connectivity across the Great West Road in Hounslow, London [Invited presentation]. Future London Leaders: Overcoming barriers., London, 26 February 2018. Invited by Future of London.
Anciaes, P. (2017) A broader vision for transport optimisation: towards an efficient and fair allocation of urban road space [Invited presentation]. Design and optimization of transport systems in the context of urbanization. Tongji University, Shanghai, 10-12 July 2017. Invited by Tongji University.
Anciaes, P. (2017) Street Mobility: Tools to understand the barrier effect of roads on pedestrians [Invited presentation]. Negative Effects of Good Connections – A Seminar on the Barrier Effect of Roads, Gothenburg, Sweden, 29 May 2017. Invited by Ramboll and Chalmers University of Technology
Anciaes, P. (2017) The effects of busy roads on community severance [Invited presentation]. Linking Up Streets, Routes and Neighbourhoods, London, 1 March 2017. Invited by Urban Design London.
Mindell, J., Anciaes, P. (2017) Street Mobility and Network Accessibility [Invited presentation]. Transportation Research Board Task Force on Arterials and Public Health Annual Meeting., Washington DC, 10 January 2017. Invited by TRB Task Force on Arterials and Public Health.
Anciaes, P. (2013) Acessibilidade urbana e elementos para a caracterização da qualidade das ruas dos bairros da Praia [Urban accessibility and elements to assess the streets of Praia] [Invited talk and workshop] Universidade de Cabo Verde, Praia, Cabo Verde, 16 and 19 December 2013. In Portuguese. Invited by Universidade de Cabo Verde.
Anciaes, P. (2013) Rethinking the death of the railway in the Portuguese countryside. European Rural Futures Conference, Mór, Hungary, 14 May 2013. Invited by EURUFU project.
6. Presentations in workshops and seminars with open calls
Wu, Z., Anciaes, P. (2023) Walking behaviour is associated with the quality of local streets. NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research) Cluster 6 & 7 Workshop on Sustainable Neighborhoods. Coimbra, Portugal, 21-22 June 2023.
Anciaes, P. (2022) New data and methods to understand visual intrusion from transport infrastructure and traffic. Mobility and Health Workshop. Leeds Institute for Data Analytics – Alan Turing Institute. Online, 13 October 2022.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2016) Valuing the impacts of road traffic on local communities. NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Research) Cluster 1 (Networks) Meeting – Wider Economic and Social Impacts of Transport Networks, Molde, Norway, 19-20 May 2016.
Anciaes, P. (2014) Hitch-hiking as transport: Problem or solution? Autonomobilities – Developing a Research Agenda on Low Carbon Mobility Practices from the Margin, Centre for Mobility Research, Lancaster University, UK, 17-18 July 2014.
Anciaes, P. (2012) On the multidimensionality of equity in transport networks. NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Research) Cluster 1 (Networks) Meeting – Exploring Equity Issues in Transport and Communication Networks, Harrogate, UK, 28-29 September 2012.
7. Other presentations in workshops and seminars
Anciaes, P. (2024) Passenger and freight transport – new solutions for old problems. UCL – Naresuan University seminar, London, 28 August 2024.
Anciaes, P. (2023) Modelling behaviour for streamlining rail transitions. UCL Energy Institute Symposium on Energy Transition and Sustainability. London, 27 Jun 2023.
Anciaes, P. (2023) Where should an urban freight microhub be located? Seminar on Last-Mile Micro-freight: Sustainable Transport Solutions and Challenges in Urban Landscapes. London, 19 June 2023.
Anciaes, P. (2022) The MORE tools: exploring and assessing options to redesign urban streets. MORE workshop – Tools for Roadspace Allocation, Online, 22 February 2022.
Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2020) A new impact assessment framework to identify sustainable urban mobility solutions. EIT Urban Mobility City Club seminar, Online, 17 December 2020.
Anciaes, P. (2020) Online tools to generate road space allocation design options. MORE Exchange Forum [Multimodal Optimisation of Roadspace in Europe], Online, 24 June 2020.
Anciaes, P. (2019) Tools for roadspace reallocation. Transeuropean Transport Network Atlantic Corridor workshop, Lisbon, 8 October 2019.
Anciaes, P. (2019) Multi-modal optimization of roadspace in Europe. Osaka University/UCL Sustainable Urban Design seminar, London, 28 March 2019.
Anciaes, P., Ortegon, A. (2019) Clasificación movimiento y lugar de la red vial de La Habana. STEPS Havana – Calles Para la Gente, Sostenibilidad y Salud en La Habana. Havana. Cuba, 19 February 2019.
Anciaes, P. (2017) Exploring community severance in Latin American cities – Chile. Redes Comunitarias y Transporte – Seminario Internacional, Temuco, Chile, 16 November 2017.
Anciaes, P. (2017) Exploring community severance in Latin American cities – Chile. Redes Comunitarias y Transporte – Seminario Internacional, Santiago, Chile, 14 November 2017.
Anciaes, P. (2017) Exploring community severance in Latin American cities – Brazil. Measuring Urban Mobility: British and Brazilian Experiences, São Paulo, 9 November 2017.
Anciaes, P. (2017) Exploring community severance in Latin American cities – Colombia. Foro de Transporte Y Salud, Bogotá, 6 November 2017.
Anciaes, P. (1999) Efficiency and effectiveness of private railways in Japan’s major urban areas – Lessons for Europe. Seminar on Japanese private railways, Institute for Transport Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 31 July 1999.
8. Conference abstracts (presented by others)
Van Eldijk, J., Anciaes, P. (2024) How transport infrastructures become personal, social, ecological, and land use boundaries. RGS-IBG (Royal Geographic Society-Institute of British Geographers) 2024 Conference. 30 August 2024, Online. [Presented by J Van Eldijk].
Wu, Z., Anciaes, P. (2023) Stepping towards walkable neighbours: investigating the associations between street quality and propensity to walk. IPATH (International Professional Association for Transport & Health) Annual Meeting 2023. Online, 29 June 2023. [Presented by Z Wu].
Melo, P., Rego, C., Anciaes, P., Guiomar, N., Muñoz-Rojas, J. (2021). Does road accessibility to cities support rural population growth? Evidence for Portugal between 1991 and 2011. 28th ADPR Congress (Portuguese Association for Regional Development), 16-17 September 2021, Vila Real, Portugal. [Presented by C Rego].
Higgsmith, M., Stockton, J., Anciaes, P., Scholes, S., Mindell, J. (2021). Community severance and health – a novel approach to measuring community severance and examining its impact on the health of adults in Great Britain. Society for Social Medicine and Population Health Annual Scientific Meeting, Online, 14-17 September 2021. [Presented by M Higgsmith].
Cheng, Y., Anciaes, P., Hanna, N. (2021). Using real-time GPS data to compare variability of congestion in five European cities. European Transport Conference 2021, Online, 13-15 September 2021. [Presented by Y Chang].
Higgsmith, M., Stockton, J., Anciaes, P., Scholes, S., Mindell, J. (2021) Quantifying community severance and assessing its impact on self-rated health in Great Britain. Universities’ Transport Study Group (UTSG) 53rd Annual Conference, Online, 5-6 July 2021. [Presented by M Higgsmith].
Higgsmith, M., Anciaes, P., Stockton, J., Scholes, S., Mindell, J. (2021) Does community severance affect health? A novel attempt to quantify community severance and assess its impact on self-rated health of adults in Great Britain. 6th International Conference on Transport and Health, Online, 14-30 June 2021. [Presented by M Higgsmith].
Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Wheeler, R. (2019) Valuing community severance in the Highways England Strategic Road Network. European Transport Conference 2019, Dublin, 9-11 October 2019. [Presented by R Wheeler].
Melo, P., Rego, C., Muñoz-Rojas, J., Anciaes, P. (2019) Spatial disparities in population growth across rural areas in Portugal between 1991 and 2011. 26th APDR Congress (Portuguese Association for Regional Development), Aveiro, Portugal, 4-5 July 2019. [Presented by P Melo].
Metcalfe, P. J., Anciaes, P., Sen, A. (2019) A combined SP-RP model to estimate the value of freshwater angling in England. EAERE 2019 – 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Manchester, 26-29 June 2019. [Presented by P J Metcalfe].
Teoh, R., Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2018) Urban mobility transitions through GDP Growth: policy choices facing cities in developing countries. UCL-Hong Kong University Symposium – Urban Mobility Transitions: Towards Sustainable and Liveable Cities, London, 27 November 2018 [Presented by R Teoh].
Mindell, J. S., Anciaes, P., Dhanani, A., Stockton, J., Boniface, S., Jones, P., Vaughan L., Scholes S, Haklay M, Groce N. (2018) Assessing and valuing the barrier effect of busy roads on local communities. Urban Transitions 2018, Sitges, Spain, 25-27 November 2018. [Presented by J M Mindell].
Dhanani, A., González, A., Ortegon, A., Anciaes, P., Cazanave, J., Morris, E., Mindell, J. (2019) Street environment for people, sustainability and health in Havana (STEPS-Havana). 5th International Conference on Transport and Health, Melbourne, 4-8 November 2019. [Presented by A Dhanani].
Metcalfe, P. J., Sen, A., Anciaes, P. (2018) Valuation of freshwater angling in England. 16th Applied Environmental Economics Conference (ENVECON), London, 9 March 2018. [Presented by P J Metcalfe].
Mindell, J., Jones, P., Haklay, M., Vaughan, L., Scholes, S., Groce, N., Anciaes P., Stockton J, Dhanani A. (2017) Development of a toolkit to measure and value community severance due to traffic. 3rd International Conference on Transport and Health, Barcelona, 27-29 July 2017. [Presented by J S Mindell]
Mindell, J., Scholes, S., Vaughan, L., Haklay, M., Jones, P., Groce, N., Stockton J, Dhanani A, Anciaes P. (2017) Development of a toolkit to measure and value local impacts of community severance due to heavy or fast traffic. UK Faculty of Public Health Annual Conference 2017, Telford, UK, 20-21 June 2017. [Presented by J S Mindell]
Mindell, J. S., Anciaes, P., Dhanani, A., Stockton, J., Jones, P., Haklay, M., Groce, N., Vaughan, L. (2017) Development of a suite of tools to assess the effects of busy roads on local residents. Active Living Research 2017 Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, 26 February-1 March 2017. [Presented by J S Mindell]
Boniface, S., Scholes, S., Dhanani, A., Anciaes, P., Vaughan, L., Mindell, J. (2015) Is community severance a public health problem? Evidence from the Street Mobility project’s two London case studies. 1st International Conference on Transport and Health, London, 6-8 July 2015. [Presented by S Boniface]
Dhanani, A. N., Vaughan, L., Boniface, S., Anciaes, P., Scholes, S., Mindell, J. (2015) Integrating Community Engagement and Wayfinding Principles into the Development of a Walkability Index for London. International Making Cities Liveable Conference, Bristol, UK, 28 June-3 July 2015. [Presented by A Dhanani]