Reference material

Encyclopedia entries

In the age of Wikipedia and Artificial Intelligence there are still people who attach value in getting their information from authorative (and fact-checked and peer-reviewed) sources, such as encyclopedias. And people who attach value in writing such things. (like me). Here are a few:

Anciaes, P. (2025) Severance. Forthcoming in J Nelson, C Mulley, S Ison (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Transport and Society. Edward Elgar.

Anciaes, P. (2025) Mobility appropriation. Forthcoming in P Adey, W Lin, K Barry (Eds.)Encyclopedia of Mobilities. Edward Elgar.

Entries in R Vickerman (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Transportation. Elsevier, Oxford:

Entries in L. Lowry (Ed.) (2017) International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism. SAGE, Thousand Oaks, California.

Entries in M. Garrett (Ed.) (2014) Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy. SAGE, Thousand Oaks, California.

Publications for students

In EBSCO Research Starters Series, EBSCO Publishing:

  • Anciaes, P. (2013) Sustainable living.
  • Anciaes, P. (2013) Social determinants of health
  • Anciaes, P. (2013) Sociology of health and illness

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