Journal articles

1. Articles in peer reviewed journals

Alhassan, J., Anciaes, P. (2025) Public transport investments as generators of economic and social activity. Forthcoming in Journal of Transport and Health

Anciaes, P., Cheng, Y., Watkins, S. (2025) Policy measures to reduce road congestion: what worked? Journal of Transport and Health 41: 101984.

Anciaes, P., Metcalfe, P. (2023) Constraints to travel outside the local area: effect on social participation and health. Journal of Transport and Health 28: 101535.

Anciaes, P. (2023) Effects of the roadside visual environment on driver wellbeing and behaviour – a systematic review. Transport Reviews. 43, 571-598.

Anciaes, P., Nascimento J M. (2022) Road traffic reduces pedestrian accessibility – quantifying the size and distribution of barrier effects in an African city. Journal of Transport and Health. 27:101522.

Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Mindell, J S., Scholes, S. (2022) The cost of the wider impacts of road traffic on local communities: 1.6% of Great Britain’s GDP. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 163:266-287.

Higgsmith, M., Stockton, J., Anciaes, P., Scholes, S., Mindell, J S. (2022) Community severance and health: a novel approach to measuring community severance and examining its impact on the health of adults in Great Britain. Journal of Transport and Health 25:101368.

Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2022) Pedestrian priority in street design – how can it improve sustainable mobility? Transportation Research Procedia 60, 220-227.

Melo, P. C., Rego, C., Anciaes, P., Guiomar, N., Muñoz-Rojas, J. (2022) Does road accessibility to cities support rural population growth? Journal of Regional Science 62, 443-470.

Anciaes, P. (2022) Revealed preference valuation of beach and river water quality in Wales. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 11, 75-94.

Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2020) A comprehensive approach for the appraisal of the barrier effect of roads on pedestrians. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 134, 227-250.

Anciaes, P., Di Guardo, G., Jones, P. (2020) Factors explaining driver yielding behaviour towards pedestrians at courtesy crossings. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 73, 453-469.

Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2020) Transport policy for liveability – Valuing the impacts on movement, place, and society. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 132, 157-173.

Teoh, R., Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2020) Urban mobility transitions through GDP growth: Policy choices facing cities in developing countries. Journal of Transport Geography 88: 102832.

Anciaes, P., Metcalfe, P. J., Sen, A. (2020) A combined SP-RP model to estimate the value of improvements in freshwater angling in England. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 9, 167-187.

Anciaes, P., Metcalfe, P., Heywood, C., Sheldon, R. (2019) The impact of fare complexity on rail demand. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 120, 224-238.

Anciaes, P., Stockton, J., Ortegon, A., Scholes, S. (2019) Perceptions of road traffic conditions along with their reported impacts on walking are associated with wellbeing. Travel Behaviour and Society 15, 88-101.

Anciaes, P., Jones, P. J., Metcalfe, P. J. (2018) A stated preference model to value reductions in community severance caused by roads. Transport Policy 64, 10-19.

Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2018) Estimating preferences for different types of pedestrian crossing facilities. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 52, 222-237.

Scholes, S., Wardlaw, M., Anciaes, P., Heydecker, B. G., Mindell, J. S. (2018) Fatality rates associated with driving and cycling for all road users in Great Britain 2005-2013. Journal of Transport and Health 8, 321-333.

Anciaes, P., Metcalfe, P. J., Heywood, C. (2017) Social impacts of road traffic: perceptions and priorities of local residents. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 35, 172-183.

Anciaes, P., Nascimento, J., Silva, S. (2017) The distribution of neighbourhood walkability indicators in an African city: Praia, Cabo Verde. Cities 67, 9-20.

Mindell, J. S., Anciaes, P., Dhanani, A., Stockton, J., Jones, P., Haklay, M., Groce, N., Scholes, S., Vaughan, L. (2017) Using triangulation to assess a suite of tools to measure community severance. Journal of Transport Geography 60, 119-129.

Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Mindell, J. (2016) Community severance: where is it found and at what cost? Transport Reviews 36, 293-317.

Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2016) Effectiveness of changes in street layout and design for reducing barriers to walking. Transportation Research Record 2586, 39-48.

Anciaes, P., Boniface, S., Dhanani, A., Mindell, J. S., Groce, N. (2016) Urban transport and community severance: linking research and policy to link people and places. Journal of Transport and Health 3, 268-277.

Anciaes, P. (2015) Area-wide traffic restriction in Lisbon city centre: opportunity lost or mistake avoided? Transportation Research Procedia 8, 237-246.

Martins, M. O., Anciaes, P. (2008) Patterns of innovation diffusion and technological competition in Portuguese manufacturing and service industries. International Review of Applied Economics 22, 353-372.

2. Articles in non-peer reviewed publications

Anciaes, P. (2018) People and places: at the frontier of transport appraisal. Local Transport Today 760: 24.

Anciaes, P., Jones, P. M. (2018) The valuation of community severance caused by busy roads. Transport Economists Journal 45(2), 18-31.

Anciaes, P. (2018) Métodos para entender mejor la caminabilidad y el efecto barrera. In L. Sagaris (Ed.) Redes Comunitarias Y Transporte – De La Ruptura a La Integración., p.7-9. In Spanish.

Anciaes, P. (2013) Rethinking the death of the railway in the Portuguese countryside. Transport and Mobility in Rural Areas in the Context of Demographic Change, Band 14 (2013), 45-57. Institut Verkehr und Raum, Erfurt, Germany.

Anciaes, P. (2000) 経済統合下での欧州運輸政策 – トランスヨーロッピアン 交通ネットワークを例にして [Transport policy in integrated economies – The case of the Trans-European Network]. 運輸政策研究 [Transport Policy Studies Review] 3, 48-51. In Japanese.

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